
Where can I find information about popolini / iobio?

What is popolini selling?

Where can I find the opening hours/address of a popolini store?

Where is popolini located?

Who is the management of popolini?

I would like to work at popolini. Are there any open positions? How can I apply?

I have a press / PR request. Who can I contact?

Where can I subscribe to the newsletter?

How can I unsubscribe from the newsletter?


Where can I buy popolini / iobio products?

Where are popolini / iobio products produced?

Where do the fabrics/materials come from?

Which materials are used for the products?

What certificates do popolini and iobio products have?

How much do popolini / iobio products cost? Is there a price list?

Is there a product catalogue?

A product of my choice is not in stock. When will it be available again?

I can't find a product in the online shop. What can I do?

Which size fits my baby/toddler?

Which cloth nappy is suitable for my baby?

Is there a possibility to test the nappies?

Where can I find care information?

Which detergent do you recommend?

Are the wool products washable in the washing machine?

My popolini covers are leaking. What can be the reason for that?

The Velcro on my popolini nappy is no longer holding. What can I do?

I have questions about a product. Who can help me?

How can I, as a retailer, get popolini / iobio products for my shop?

Order & Payment

How do I make an order online?

How can I redeem a coupon online?

I have not received an order confirmation. What can I do?

What payment methods are available?

How does the prepayment work?

Where can I find the bank account details?

I have a coupon code that does not work. What could be the reason?

Where can I buy a voucher?

Where can I use the voucher?

Where can I get a nappy voucher?

For which items is the nappy voucher valid?

Can I redeem the nappy voucher from my community in the popolini online shop?

I want to order a larger quantity of an item, but only a few are available in the online shop. Would that be possible?

Is there a discount on popolini products for twin parents?

Shipping & Delivery

How much are the shipping costs?

To which countries does popolini ship?

How long is the delivery time from shipping?


Return, Exchange & Complaint

I would like to return one or more items to popolini that I bought in the online shop. What do I have to do?

I want to exchange a product for another size. What do I have to do?

I have a complaint about a product I bought from the online store. How can I complain about the product?


What is recash?

How does recash work?

What are the advantages of recash over a private sale?

Do I have to register my purchase with recash?

What condition do the products have to be in?

Can I also send in defective products via recash?

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